

  天津博物馆举办聚赏珍玉古代玉器陈列 陈列内容以六十年考古发掘玉器的成果和目前学术界对玉器研究的状况,做为陈列内容的科学性与学术性的基本依据。利用馆藏玉器把古人对玉器的艺术创造放入空间隧道,同时将它们放进文化的大视野里,发掘它们文化的意涵和深度,从体现古人在玉文化的地位和作用,以及他们对玉器的审美视点与价值观点,展现古代玉器和玉文化的多种成就。

  陈列内容分七个部分1.玉蕴神奇新石器时代玉器 2.玉炫王权商代玉器 3.以玉从礼代玉器 4.玉兆祯祥汉代玉器 5.玉之新韵魏晋南北朝玉器 6.美玉纷繁唐宋辽金玉器 7.玉之大成明清玉器 每个部分有若干个专题,33个专题,体现玉器及玉文化在不同历史时期的特点功能价值造型纹饰及文化内涵。如史前时期的神话与宗教汉代吉祥文化唐玉的佛教宋元阿拉伯文字清代的痕都斯坦玉。


  Ancient Chinese Jade Articles Collected by Tianjin Museum 聚赏珍玉古代玉器展

  The jade stone has been revered in China since the Neolithic Times. As the first to use jade items thousands of years ago and with a large nephrite jade deposit, China boasts the largest number of jade relics. The profound jade culture, with its unique charm, transcends time and still enjoys popularity in modern times.

  A real understanding of the jade articles cannot be acquired without knowing how to interpret the various designs, how they are carved and how to evaluate the quality of the jade.

  Its everlasting popularity finds evidence in the nationwide love of jade as found in the collection, evaluation, and exchange of this precious stone, as well as in the wearing of articles made of it.

  The jade exhibition in this hall would be helpful for you to appreciate its beauty and understand its history.

上一篇:【品牌】市妇联开展迎三八 学雷锋暖心志愿服务活动 下一篇:【思考】证券日报新湖期货董事长马文胜:企业风险管理进入精细化管理阶段